Monday, April 14, 2008

Today in Congress . . .

Today Jamey and I went with an advocacy group, Children's Cancer, to lobby members of Congress. Our main goals were to ask for increased funding for NIH (National Institutes of Health), and for the Congressmen to support bill HR 4450, which is the Pediatric, Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Survivorship and Quality of Life Act (phew!). This Act creates and mandate and funding for NIH to research the late effects of cancer treatment on kids. It also requires the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) to expand their cancer program. We met several other survivors and their parents, and it was wonderful to be part of the process. It was really neat, and I feel like I did something to help with this very important cause.

When we got home from DC, David took Jamey to the gym. He really needs to start getting back into shape. He's barely done any exercise this year (with good reason), but he is able to now. He will be going on a new medicine soon, and it has the potential to give him osteoporosis or osteonecrosis (as do the steroids and chemo he is on). The bone specialist told us that Jamey's bone density is excellent, but that he will need to have good nutrition and exercise to keep it up. Anyway, he went to the gym for the first time and had a ball. He was so excited when he got home! David and he will do this together after Hebrew school on Mondays and Wednesdays, and he can go with me another day during the week.

We are also getting ready for Passover. Saturday we are going to Orly's, then we will have people over on Sunday, then Monday is the Jason Campbell Golf Classic for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. It will be a busy weekend.

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