Thursday, April 10, 2008

Steroid Week

Sorry for not writing for such a long time. This week is steroid week for Jamey. It hit him pretty hard. He gets so tired, with no energy to do anything and he can't concentrate. He also gets very sensitive during this time and has a difficult time controlling himself. We feel so bad for him, but are happy that it's only one week a month!

One of the things we've been looking at carefully is the health of Jamey's bones. The steroids that he is on can give him osteonecrosis (dying of the bone), and he will be starting a new medicine next week that can also affect the bones. On Monday we went to see an endocrinologist who specializes in bones (go figure - there's a doctor for everything). She ordered some tests and will be keeping an eye on Jamey to make sure his bones stay healthy. Today he got a dexascan, and we will get the results tomorrow. The doctor, though, told us the preliminary results look good. Yeah!

I tell you one thing, this experience is never dull . . .

Tonight I would like you to send a prayer for a little boy names Elijah. He relapsed last month after a bone marrow transplant (2nd relapse), and his parents found out today that there is no chance for a cure. He is two years old.

1 comment:

Loving wife of Rich and mom of Sammy said...

I am so in awe of you... all of you....and we love you....