Monday, July 14, 2008

Imus Ranch

Well, it's been quite a long time since I wrote. As usual, no news is good news. Jamey is doing well. His last round of steroids was difficult for him, although not as bad as the dex had been. We had hoped that this steroid would have no side effects, but no such luck. Last Tuesday he went to the Imus Ranch, where he is apparently having a ball. We got a short (but sweet) letter from him today -

Hi, it's Jamey, I'm having a great time here. They have a pool and the horse I'm using is named Rino. He is brown with some white on him. I miss you guys too. Love, Jamey

He's so prolific! :-)

This past weekend was our 16th wedding anniversary. We had a wonderful time. Noah and Coby went to my parents' farm, where they had a great time. They got to drive the mule (a type of 4 x 4) and do all sorts of fun stuff. David and I went to dinner on Friday night to celebrate. We had a lovely time, then on Saturday we rode our bikes 35.5 miles with Team in Training. That's the group from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society that help you train for the fundraiser. I was exhausted by the end, but it felt good. We worked around the house a bit after that, then went out to dinner with the Bournigals. On Sunday we went to the farm to pick up the boys and had dinner with my parents (played a little croquet, had some sangria . . . ). It was nice. All in all it was a wonderful weekend.

Jamey gets back on Thursday night at 10 pm. I am excited to see him, but more so that he is enjoying himself so much. Next week he goes on steroids again (spinal tap on Monday), then the following week he is off to Camp Simcha. Hard to believe the summer is half over . . .