Wednesday, October 17, 2007

October 17

It's been a little while since I posted - I've been so busy! Jamey went into the hospital last Friday. We all took turns staying with him. His friend Jano came to visit and also his grandfather Bob came by. He was very happy about that. This stay was much easier than before. To begin with, they gave him a different anti-nausea drug. He felt much better. Another thing that contributed to a better hospital stay was that Jamey bought himself a beautiful new lego set. This really kept him busy! Finally, the hospital changed Jamey's protocol, which allowed him to get out a day earlier. We were able to go home on Moday so it was shorter than the last 3 visits.

Jamey was not feeling too well om Monday, but he seemed to be doing better by the end of the day. Yesterday he started getting mouth sores, and today he came home from school and they were terrible. His mouth was very swollen, and he was in a lot of pain. We gave hime some medicine, though, and hopefully it will get better by tomorrow.

My mon is here from Israel (Viviana). She came in on Monday and staying until mid November. It is great having her around. This weekend we are having a lot of family over, which will be nice. My sister Orly + family and my niece, Liron + Boyfriend. My mom is cooking traditional Israeli and Tunisian food so it will be great weekend to eat and just enjoy.

Jamey has one more treatment at the hospital next weekend. Then he has 6 weeks of intensive treatment, the last phase before maintetance (Delayed Intensification). We can't wait to be at maintenace, where treatent will be a lot easier for him and hoepfully life can go back to normal, well as normal as it can be.

Anyway, we are looking forward to this weekend. :-)

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