This weekend we went over my sister Orly's for her 50th birthday. Saturday was a big day for Noah. He had his Consecration at our temple (basically, it is his commitment to continue his studies toward his Bar Mitzvah) and a soccer game; He was great at his Consecration (I would expect no less), reciting what he needed to beautifully. He wrote a prayer for it, which brought tears to my eyes. The soccer game was good but they lost 7:4 (did I tell you that Noah scored two goals last game and one assist this game????). We drove straight to my sister's house in Richmond. The party was Sunday night so Karen and the boys went back home so they could get to school on Monday. We spent Saturday with my family which was great. My sisters from Israel, Nurit and Sabi were there and we hung out together. The boys had a great time as well. Jamey went to sleep over his friend's house in Richmond. He stayed up until 12:00 AM and could not stop talking about it. We never let him stay so late. Jamey and his friend Nathan made movies and got to be boys. That was really nice for him. It's great to see him with energy and acting like a kid. We also got report cards last week. Jamey got "No Grade" since he wasn't in school for most of 2nd quarter (although he's kicked butt on the two math tests he's taken since he got back to school). Noah and Coby did fabulous - almost all A's and O's, and Noah was Student of the Month for December because of his excellent study habits.
Karen and the boys left Sunday at 8:00 AM to make it in time for the kids' Hebrew school. Noah had a party which he did not want to miss and Coby and Karen had a workshop. Jamey went to play with his friend Benjamin (they rode bikes and played with other kids in the neighborhood), then he went to his friend Jordan's. It's wonderful to see him be active again. Karen had a couple of her friends over, Rachel and Maya, and their kids. They had 8 kids, and they all had a ball. My sisters decided to henna my hair to cover the white hair I accumulated :).
Jamey's blood count is still not where it should be to start his maintenance program. Today we had a little miscommunication with the nurse. We thought she suspected that something is wrong and that the Leukemia may be back. We got VERY worried and were horrified. We called the Dr and she clarified that the overall blood count is low but she believes it is due to a virus, not to a return of leukemia cells. That was a relief. He came back from Richmond with a bad cold which is probably what is causing his numbers to be low. They asked us to come back Wednesday to take another blood test. He needs an ANC of 750 to start. He currently is at 290, which is lower than it was on Friday (which was lower than it was at the beginning of last week). We really want to get him started with this phase. He is also supposed to get his broviak (tube) out from his chest. We can't wait. That will make life easier.
We can't wait for March 13th which is our time to take a vacation in Spain.
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