Sunday, November 25, 2007


Happy Thanksgiving to all. We had a good week, although we were upset that we weren't able to go to New Jersey to spend the holidays with my family. Jamey got shots on Wednesday and Friday, so we were here. He's been feeling okay this week (par for the course, since I took a few days off), although he started feeling so-so last night, and not so great today. We went to the Silverstone's house on Thursday and had a lovely time with them. Orly, Doug, Leora and Yoni came up on Friday, and we spent Shabbat with them. That was really nice - we had a great time with them. They are so fun - just wonderful. We went to Barnes and Noble last night after Shabbat ended (Jamey's favorite place), then to have some pizza.

I took this coming week off of work because we are so unsure of how Jamey might feel. He goes in tomorrow for his next round of chemo (very strong chemo), so we'll see what happens after that. I hope he is okay. He's gotten a lot so far, and it peaks 1-2 weeks after he get it, so I'm a bit ambivalent about how he'll be this week. He also starts the steroids again tomorrow. I'm not sure either of us will survive this round. They have a terrible affect on him (not just his appetite, but his concentration and personality also). At least it's only for a week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there!! We're thinking of you ... Jamey is so lucky to have such great, devoted parents. Will send extra prayers your way!!
Janet and Dan