It's been quite a week for us. On Monday the doctors (residents at the hospital) woke us (at 2 am) up because Jamey's blood pressure had dropped dangerously low. They tried different things to get his pressure up, then called the fellow to find out what to do. It was really scary. They thought he might be getting septic, which leads to septic shock. They decided on a third antibiotic and to give him a lot of fluid. That seemed to help a lot, and his blood pressure went up. Luckily, the antibiotic seemed to knock the bug out of his system and he did not have a fever at all on Tuesday. Yesterday we were given the happy news that his ANC had gone up a bit and they allowed us to come home. YEAH!! At least he has several days of vacation left . . . We got home in the afternoon and hung out with Leora and Orly. That was definitely a nice way to spend the afternoon.
On an aside, the hospital was really great about spending the holidays there. They had gifts for the kids who were there (check out Jamey's new bike!), as well as for the siblings. They made a real effort to make sure that children didn't feel as if they were missing the holidays. Kudos.